This is the view from my office window.

This is me and Mohammed at a hot spring.

This is Jose "aka Tio" and Mohammed at the same hot spring.

This is a crappy view of the sierra. Man it sucks here.

This is me doing my interviews in my community.


Cayambe from my bedroom window during training.

The Beach.
Yeah, so everything has been pretty awesome lately. I go to work everyday and talk in spanish to people. Some days are better than others, but everday is memorable. Lately I have been interviewing people in my town about environmental education. Peace Corps rocks and makes us interview the community. In most cases this is a good integration tool, but my city hast about 35,000 people in it. So The people I get to know real well are the people at the office. Anyway, I have been living in an old monestary that has been converted into an office with a host family. It is very interesting, but I am enjoying the experience. ¿Que mas? Oh, I can eat fried shrimp dinners in my town for $3.50. Expensive, i know. It is pretty sweet. I think I am about to go to the community landfill. This should also be interesting, because I have no idea what to expect. Wow, I worked in an office in the states and dealt with waste management issues. Now I work in an office in Ecuador and will undoubtedly be working in waste management. haha. Funny how things work out. I am also gonna be doing a reforestation project near the river in my community in efforts to help with their potable agua project. Well I gotta go, I will update soon. I miss everyone and hope that everything is ok. Luego.
ps. the spellcheck isn´t working, so ignore all errors.
Hello Ross so good to see pic of you looking like you are enjoying life and happy. i miss you and am looking forward to the time you come visit us. Take care and hope to see more post. Love from Mawmaw