Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Work Work Work

Hola everyone. I feel like all I do is go to class and play soccer. Oh, we eat like 5 meals a day. Breakfast, a snack an hour later, lunch, a snack an hour later, and then dinner. At every meal we have a different juice that I have never once had in my entire life. Some are pretty awesome and some are pretty iffy. So I think I am one of the tallest people in ecuador and that makes some people afraid of me. Maybe it is just the fact that I am a gringo, because everytime I say hi, they just look really nervous. My dorm room window looks at this awesome volcano that is covered in snow. I will post a picture once I get one on a clear day and once i figure out how to use these crazy computers. Well, I gotta go and will post again soon. hasta luego.


  1. Hola!! Well, since I was in labor on the 23rd I haven't had much opportunity to read up on your adventure - things are finally slowing down a bit and I'll be home on maternity leave until May so I plan on checking in more often! I am so proud of you and excited for you to have this adventure! Check out my site to see pictures of your new little cousin!!!

  2. So glad to hear that you are having fun! Always remember that MawMaw believes in you & loves you!
